Angestellten-Vereinigung 2-Takt (AV2T) Employees of Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd., Winterthur (WinGD) and Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd., Frauenfeld (WSCH)
Angestelltenvereinigung der ANDRITZ HYDRO AG Employees of Andritz Hydro AG in Kriens 041 329 56 12 Write an email
Atena Atena is the largest employee organisation at BASF Schweiz AG, the former units of BASF Schweiz AG and Sun Chemical. 044 787 42 24 Write an email
Atena (Monthey) Atena is the largest employee organisation at BASF Schweiz AG, the former units of BASF Schweiz AG and Sun Chemical. 024 474 41 77 Write an email
Angestelltenverein Bombardier Transportation Employees of Bombardier Transportation (Switzerland) AG 044 318 26 05 Write an email
Angestelltenvereinigung Bühler AG Association of employees of Bühler AG in Uzwil 071 955 20 65 Write an email
AV COMEWA Angestelltenvereinigung der Firmen HFS Aqua AG, CTU Clean Technology Universe AG, SEP Salz & Verdampferanlagen AG Write an email
Angestellten Vereinigung dsm-firmenich Employees of dsm-firmenich in Sisseln and Kaiseraugst Write an email
Angestelltenverein DSM, Werk Lalden Representation of employees in the individual employment contract of the DSM plant in Lalden 027 945 61 54 Write an email
Angestelltenvereinigung embru The association represents the employees of Embru Werke AG Write an email
Angestelltenvereinigung Garaventa Seilbahnen Thun Employees of Garaventa AG, Uetendorf branch 033 334 68 57 Write an email
Angestelltenvereinigung der Hoffmann Neopac AG (AVHN) Employees of the company Hoffmann Neopac in Thun 031 770 12 75 Write an email
Angestellte Huntsman The largest employee organization at Huntsman in Switzerland 061 299 26 15 Write an email
Angestelltenvereinigung Innoparc Employees of Leica Geosystems AG, Leica Microsystems AG (Switzerland), SAFRAN Vectronix AG, SwissOptic AG, Polymeca AG and Escatec AG Switzerland 079 616 07 68 Write an email
Angestelltenverband Klingelnberg AG (AVK) Association of Klingelnberg AG employees 044 278 78 71 Write an email
Angestelltenvertretung der Lonza AG im Wallis Employees of Lonza AG in Visp 027 948 56 60 Write an email
Angestelltenverband der MEM-Firmen Solothurn (AMSo) The forum for the concerns of employees of Mitel Switzerland Ltd. 032 655 34 74 Write an email
Angestelltenverband Rheinmetall Defence (AVRD) Employees of Rheinmetall Air Defence AG, RWM Schweiz AG, Rheinmetall Technical Publications Schweiz AG and Rheinmetall Pension Fund 044 316 21 57 Write an email
Angestelltenverband RUAG Space (AVRS) Employees of RUAG Space and employees of the RUAG Switzerland Group 079 924 45 93 Write an email
Angestellten-Vereinigung Schlatter Industries Employees of Schlatter Industries AG in Schlieren 044 732 73 64 Write an email
Angestellten-Verein Siemens Zug (AVS Zug) Employees of Siemens companies at the Zug site and other locations 079 830 35 37 Write an email
Angestellten-Vereinigung Sulzer Winterthur Employees of all Sulzer organisation and the former Sulzer companies in Winterthur 052 262 36 27 Write an email
Angestelltenvereinigung Uster Technologies AG die Angestelltenvereinigung (AV) der Uster Technologies AG am Standort Uster Write an email
AV SIG, Neuhausen Employees of SIG and Syntegon and of the companies located on the Neuhausen and Beringen plant site 079 779 50 10 Write an email
AV Siemens Schweiz und Partnerfirmen Association of the employees of Siemens Schweiz AG and its partner companies to form an association
Hausverband der Thales Firmen Schweiz Employees of Thales Suisse SA Defence & Homeland Security, Thales Rail Signalling Solutions AG, Thales Alenia Space Schweiz AG
VAS Syngenta Association of employees of Syngenta AG at the different sites in Switzerland 024 475 24 55