Members recruit members

For each recruited member you will receive CHF 150.

Are fair working conditions a concern for you?
Help to keep it that way! Recommend Angestellte Schweiz to your colleagues and expand our network. The more members we are, the better we can represent the concerns of our members in the labor market.

Benefits for recruiters:

  • For each new standard member (excluding EASY, apprentices and retirees) you will receive CHF 150.- in cash.
    The premium, or payment is made after receipt of the membership fee.
  • Among the most diligent recruiters we will raffle 3 silver bars of our cooperation partner Bank Cler at the beginning of January.

New members benefit from:

  • Access to our broad network and to free courses.
  • Free consultation in labor and social security law.
  • Attractive services and offers that are easy on the budget.

Registration form Members Recruit Members

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