What is artificial intelligence? Article Artificial intelligence (AI) is the attempt to transfer human learning and thinking to a computer. 3/25/2025 · 1 minutes
What does the «d» stand for in job ads? Article The letter «d» indicates the third gender. 10/2/2023 · 1 minutes
Checklists: five effective cheat sheets! Article Are our memory problems due to advancing age? Or the fact that we increasingly rely on technology to think and remember for us? Here are five effective memory aids to train your memory and remember not to forget anything. 9/11/2023 · 5 minutes
What Does Hybrid Working Mean? Article Hybrid working means no longer doing work only at a fixed workplace. 6/27/2023 · 1 minutes
What is a CEA? Article A collective employement agreement (CEA) ensures attractive working conditions. 6/27/2023 · 2 minutes
What is a European Works Council? Article The European Works Council (EWC) is an employee representation body in companies operating across borders in the EU or EEA. 6/27/2023 · 1 minutes
What Is a Solidarity Contribution? Article A solidarity contribution is a monetary contribution made by employees to solidarily finance the social partnership of a collective employment agreement (CEA). 6/27/2023 · 1 minutes
What Is Resilience? Article Resilience essentially refers to being able to deal with stressful situations and master crises in a healthy manner. 6/27/2023 · 1 minutes
What is a personnel commission ? Article The personnel commission represents the interests of the employees vis-à-vis the management of a company. 6/5/2023 · 1 minutes
What exactly Is Meant by "Wage Increase"? Article The term "wage increase" or "salary increase" does not always refer to the same facts. 4/13/2023 · 2 minutes
Unburden Your Brain – Build a Second One Article Every day, an avalanche of information floods our brain. It is hopelessly overburdened with storing the relevant and interesting data and making them available when needed. However, there is a solution to this problem: building a second brain. It is amazingly simple, as productivity expert Tiago Forte shows us. 2/8/2023 · 4 minutes