
iPhone does not currently support voice conversation. Please use text input or switch to the text bot at the bottom right.

Our avatar supports you

Our avatar ‘Kaiu’ supports you in your working life. Ask him questions about your working conditions or your work situation.

What do you need to consider?

Your questions are currently answered with the help of the Collective Employment Agreement for the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Industries (CEA MEM). This CEA only applies to companies that are bound by this agreement. If the CEAMEM is not applicable in your company, you should wait for further versions of the chatbot avatar.

If the avatar does not work properly for you, try it again in a different browser.

Browser suggestion: Chrome.


If you would like to communicate verbally with the avatar: Our avatar understands you best if you speak in a quiet environment (with headphones and microphone if necessary).

Our avatar is multilingual (German, French, Italian, English). Sometimes he answers in the wrong language. If this happens, simply ask your question again with the note ‘Answer me in English.

The answers are generated automatically by artificial intelligence (AI). What you must always bear in mind with AI: The answers are general and do not replace advice in individual cases. They may vary, be incomplete or even incorrect. If you are unsure, please contact us directly (info@angestellte.ch / t +41 44 360 11 11).

Sensitive data

We recommend that you do not enter the names of companies or individuals or any other sensitive data. Further information on data protection can be found in our privacy policy. If you are using the version on your mobile phone (augmented reality version), please also refer to the privacy policy of the 8th Wall operating system.

Chatbot via text input and mobile version

On our homepage and other subpages you will find our chatbot, where you can enter your question using text.

We also provide an augmented reality version of the avatar, which you can only access here via mobile phone.

The same conditions apply as for the avatar.

Not all the information yet? We can help you

If you can't find enough information, please contact us. You can find our contact details here:

Angestellte Schweiz 
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 9
P.O. Box 234
4601 Olten
t +41 44 360 11 11