Sustainability at work

This dossier brings together the most important information on sustainability. It helps you to understand current political discussions and to initiate the necessary changes in your company.

One of the shortest definitions of sustainable development goes like this: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without risking that future generations will not be able to meet their own needs."

This paraphrase is the first to receive global attention. It was recorded in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the Brundtland Report, named after its chair, Gro Harlem Brundtland. The understanding that sustainable development is based on three pillars quickly gained acceptance:

  1. ecologically sustainable
  2.  socially just
  3. economically efficient

Adaptation urgently required

Current threats show that we are not on a sustainable path. Climate change and species extinction threaten not only ecosystems, but also social and economic development. Radical change is therefore required, as quickly as possible. This change raises questions, creates uncertainties. And it offers opportunities.

Relevant background knowledge

With this dossier we provide answers and give an overview of the ongoing discussions. In the form of interviews, explanatory pieces and with relevant background information.

The dossier helps to better classify the political debate. And it sharpens the focus on efforts already undertaken and on the potential in our own company.

It depends on everyone

We at Angestellte Schweiz are convinced that everyone can make a contribution to more sustainability. In their daily work and beyond.