
As a member, you and your family benefit from up to 10% discount on the supplementary insurances of Atupri Health Insurance.

Who can benefit?

Family members and persons living in the same household, including children up to the age of 25. Maximum age of entry: 60 years. 


Alternative insurance models


If you agree to consult your family doctor first for any medical treatment, you will receive a premium discount of up to 10%.


If you agree to consult your HMO practice first for any medical treatment, you will receive a premium discount of up to 20%.


If you undertake to contact the Swiss telemedicine center Medgate by telephone for health questions before a doctor's visit (except for emergencies or preliminary gynecological examinations!), you will receive a premium discount of up to 10%. Another additional advantage is the permanent availability (non-stop 24/7), consultation hours are always. Phone number: 0844 844 777.


Supplementary insurance VVG - Highlights

Baby swimming in the 1st and 2nd year of life insured with Mivita incl. baby massage
Correction of teeth position until 30 years of age insured with Mivita.



Family discount: If at least one parent takes out Mivita insurance.

Here you can calculate your premium savings potential!