How Do I Recognize the Alarm Signals of Burnout?

Learn how to recognize burnout at an early stage.

Unfortunately, burnout victims often recognize the warning signs too late. A burnout is nothing more than an exhaustion depression. That's how you recognize a burnout:

  • Are you chronically tired and exhausted and it doesn't go away even after a vacation?
  • Have you distanced yourself from your work and are toying with the idea of switching to another profession?
  • Do you suffer from physical complaints, such as insomnia, higher susceptibility to diseases, loss of appetite, digestive problems, headaches, backaches, dizziness, blood pressure instability, palpitations, tinnitus?
  • Are you constantly irritated and feel an inner restlessness? Are you unable to switch off after work, are you restless, empty inside, desperate or frustrated?
  • Do you suffer from concentration problems, inability to make decisions, self-doubt, loss of performance?
  • Have you withdrawn socially, are you hyperactive and do you consume addictive substances? Are you neglecting your leisure activities?

Get Counseling

All of these can be signs of burnout. You can also find out whether you have burnout by using the web app "Etwas tun?!", which was co-developed by Employees Switzerland (available in German and French). There you can also find out how to prevent burnout.

If you have a burnout: Talk to your boss about it and seek professional help! Below you will find links to places that can help you.


Ariane Modaressi