How Do I Recognize the Alarm Signals of Burnout?

Do you have high expectations of yourself? Are you a perfectionist? Do you often have self-doubt? Do you have trouble saying no? If you can answer these questions with yes and you are under a lot of stress at work, then you may be at risk of burnout!
Burnout is a serious illness. For those affected, it is often difficult to recognize that they are in danger of burnout. The article "How Do I Recognize the Alarm Signals of Burnout?" will help you to assess your situation correctly. You may also get a hint from a colleague that you could be at risk.
You can get help with burnout from your family doctor. You can also contact specialized agencies that offer burnout counseling (see related links below).
The best antidote to burnout is a balanced life. The balance between your stresses and your resources in the areas of work, family and leisure should be in equilibrium. It is even better if the scales are tipped in favor of your resources than if they are only balanced.
You can analyze your personal balance with a simple and proven method: Compare your stresses with your resources. At work, for example, stress can be time pressure, little room to maneuver, or too many demands on yourself. As resources you might have colleagues who support you or a better time management.
Focus on the most important pressures and resources – no more than four. This will give you a clear picture. This will make it easier for you to find the right measures for your healthy work-life balance.
Below we have compiled 10 more useful tips to help you prevent burnout.
You can get many more valuable tips on how to prevent burnout in our webapp "Etwas tun?!", available in the languages German and French. It helps you stay mentally healthy at work – simply and playfully.
"Etwas tun?" is free (link below).