How to Receive Feedback without Frustration

The word feedback originally comes from technology. In the world of work, it is used to give someone feedback on their work or behavior. Everyone can give feedback to everyone they deal with at work: Supervisors to employees and vice versa, team members to each other, customers to the customer advisor, business partners to each other.
Feedback can be positive or negative and works on four levels:
Feedback functions can be:
We experience spontaneous, informal feedback all the time in our day-to-day work, in the form of praise or criticism: "Hey cool, you've already sold twenty units" or "Oh no, now you're giving me extra work". The effect is usually brief and limited.
However, feedback is also specifically sought in companies in order to find out what can be done better and how employees can be developed.
Methods include, for example:
Giving and receiving feedback can be very difficult. You can find out how to do this in the article "How to get your feedback right" and "How to receive feedback without frustration" (see below).