Work, family and leisure: can they go together?

Parents know that it's not easy to reconcile all needs. We have summarised the most important aspects and answers to legal questions for you.

In the past, it was common for one parent - usually the fathers - to provide for the family financially and the other parent - usually the mothers - to look after the children and do the housework.

Today, many families are dependent on the income of both parents in order to make a living. As a result of this double burden, parents have to juggle between the demands of work and the needs of their family.

How to deal with the double burden

  1. Ensuring a work-life balance There are many ways to make this "juggling" easier. From planning apps, support from grandparents, friends or cleaning staff. Taking a conscious time-out every now and then helps parents to live a balanced life, keep calm and recognise their own needs.
  2. Job sharing and top sharing From the employer's point of view, it is important to offer part-time positions. On the one hand, this makes it easier to reconcile work and family life and, on the other, it allows women to remain active in their careers - which also helps to counteract the shortage of skilled labour.

Legal matters relating to the family

  1. Child sick - what to do? Time and again, legal questions arise in relation to the family. "How do I organise things at the office when my child is ill?" is probably the question most parents ask themselves at some point. What many don't realise: Employees are entitled to paid leave to care for a sick family member or partner. The Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) provides for a maximum of 3 days' leave per event. If the duty of care is invoked, it can be even more days.
    Special rules for pregnant women
  2. Maternity begins with pregnancy. And special conditions apply during this period, as pregnant employees are more susceptible to the stresses and strains of everyday working life. For example, the maximum daily working time may not exceed 9 hours. Pregnant women are also entitled to lie down during working hours. For this purpose, a lounger must be available in a separate rest room.


Manuela Donati

Manuela Donati