Am I Susceptible to Boreout?

Boreout – can it happen to me too? Here are the most important factors that can cause boreout.

In a "boreout", the elements of boredom, underchallenge, disinterest and problematic behaviours mix into a diabolical mixture. Boreout victims suffer greatly from their condition and can become seriously ill.

The circumstances described below lead to boreout.

Performance-oriented People Have Higher Risk of Boreout

Boreout particularly often hits people who want to do especially well. People who are

  • performance-oriented,
  • ambitious,
  • efficient,
  • conscientious and
  • able to take criticism.

Those at Risk of Boreout Do not Like Control

People at risk of boreout think little of hierarchies, control and the exercise of power. Working conditions, variety, meaning and identification with the work are very important to them.

Office Workers Are More Likely to Suffer from Boreout than Farmers

Boreout is particularly common in office jobs and government positions - in contrast to a farm or a crèche. The reason for this could be that the latter identify better with their jobs.


Hansjörg Schmid

Hansjörg Schmid