Is it possible to be relaxed at work?

Some employees are reluctant to go to work, as it is often a source of stress for them. Is it possible to reverse this trend? Employés Suisse took a look at the ways in which employees can make their working lives more enjoyable.

A question of perspective.

Everyone knows the proverb "if you don't do what you love, then love what you do". Obviously, this is easier to apply when you're passionate about your work. But even a fulfilling job can be stressful and lead to unpleasant surprises in terms of workload.

With deadlines, projects and colleagues' holidays, there are many factors that make it difficult to relax at work. In the long term, stress has harmful effects on employees' mental and physical health, leading to work stoppages and burn-outs.

So how do you overcome these undesirable effects and stay 'cool' while carrying out your duties?


Relaxed doesn't have to mean that you don't care

It's perfectly possible to work responsibly without letting yourself get caught up in stress, which is often a bad idea. By acting in a hurry, employees expose themselves to the risk of not doing their job properly.

Being relaxed therefore has a positive influence on the results of your work, and on your own health: you radiate and that's contagious to the whole team!

"If you don't do what you love, then love what you do".

Here are our 5 tips to help you relax at work!

A few tips for staying relaxed at work

There's no such thing as a miracle formula for working in optimal conditions of relaxation. We're rarely at work with a cocktail in hand and our feet in the sand. Let's save that for the holidays. We can, however, improve our daily routine with a few simple and effective gestures.

Here are five suggestions to help you relax at work:

  1. Regular zen breaks - Talk to your colleagues and suggest setting up zen breaks: with more than one person, it's easy to establish a well-being routine. For example, at lunchtime, one day a week, do some yoga or relaxation exercises with your colleagues for around fifteen minutes in a room set aside for this purpose. It doesn't take long, it's a healthy habit and it strengthens the bond between colleagues: namasté, you won't be able to do without it!

  2. A feng shui environment - Mind you, we're not asking you to redecorate your workspace like a Buddhist temple. However, it's a well-known fact that some people are sensitive to a tidy, retina-friendly space, which allows them to concentrate all the more on their tasks. Taking advantage of ergonomic storage and having a systematic way of tidying up your workplace helps to organise your mind and your ability to think. And if you've got a green thumb, a plant is always welcome! Calmness and order encourage concentration.

  3. Moderation on coffee - Coffee, energy drinks and cigarettes are false ways of relaxing when you're stressed at work: their effect doesn't last long and they're addictive. Choose green tea instead of coffee to energise you in the morning. With less caffeine than coffee, it helps to keep your mind alert in the same way. Dried fruit is also a good alternative to fast sugars. Feeling good about your body makes you feel relaxed.

  4. Don't run out of air - Did you know that if you stopped breathing, you'd die? Sorry for the spoiler alert. Breathing, a familiar part of all relaxation exercises, helps you to relax, ground yourself and connect your body with your mind. Take 2 or 3 deep, conscious breaths regularly. This will oxygenate your brain and make you more aware of your surroundings.

  5. Dose up on vitamin D - the sun and real daylight help you to fix melatonin and vitamin D, which are sources of well-being: under the halogen and artificial lights of the office, we sometimes forget that the sun is shining outside. So get some fresh air and enjoy a few rays of sunshine... without getting a sunburn, of course!


Anne-Valérie Geinoz

Anne-Valérie Geinoz

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