Working in Switzerland

The "working climate" goes far beyond the room temperature in the office and defines the atmosphere in which we work every day. A positive working environment is characterised by a supportive and motivating team. It is the way we interact, communicate and support each other
This doesn't just affect bosses - each and every one of us has an influence on it. And the solution shared experiences because true harmony is not only created through office conversations or virtual meetings, but above all through shared experiences. It doesn't always have to be an expensive outing, but can also be an experience in familiar surroundings. We give you tips on how you can positively influence the working atmosphere in your company.
Experts in occupational psychology also confirm this: Team events are important from a psychological point of view, as they have numerous positive effects on the dynamics and well-being within a team.
«Team events help to improve communication and reduce stress. Team events also promote social support, i.e. support from work colleagues or friends. This provides the most important buffer for work-related stress.»
Participation in such team events must be voluntary. If the team events are self-organised, they are not primarily working time.
«If meals and other gatherings are organised on the company premises, we recommend clarifying in advance what company rules or house rules apply and, if necessary, obtaining a permit.»