Strong voices - employee representatives

We show you which communication channels you can use to successfully position the ER in your company.

Employee representatives (ERs) play a crucial role in a company, be it in salary negotiations with management, having a say in changes to regulations or advocating for the interests of employees.

Why regular information is important

In order for the ERC to be fully effective, it is essential to provide regular and transparent information about its activities. Continuous updates and reports make employees feel close to what is happening.

In addition to the traditional intranet, which lists the employee representatives' contact details, tasks and responsibilities, there are other communication channels that may be of interest to you as an employee representative.

  1. Internal newsletters: Newsletters, which are sent to the workforce on a quarterly basis, provide information about important decisions and developments at the ER.
  2. Articles in the employee magazine: Does the company offer an employee magazine? Ask for recurring publications of contributions from the ER.
  3. Short video message: Companies regularly use video clips for internal communication. Why not publish an ANV video?
  4. Employee information: Does your company organise an employee information event? Talk to the people in charge and use platforms like this to provide information about the work of the ER. This can take the form of a short presentation, an information stand or flyers.
  5. Information flyers: display information flyers in break rooms. During the break, employees like to read information that has nothing to do with work.
  6. Introductory event for new employees: If there is an induction event for new employees at the company, make sure you use it to explain the tasks and responsibilities of the ER.
  7. Active employee representatives at the sites: The best way to advertise and inform employees about the relevance of the ER is through their own representatives. As employee representatives, be active at your sites, inform and educate without being intrusive.

These are just a few tips on how the ER can provide information within the company. Experience has shown that a few sensible communication measures will make the ER more widely known and also more popular among the workforce.



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