Is it possible to be relaxed at work?

Boreout is a state of paralyzing boredom and complete lack of drive at work. The longer it lasts, the more it becomes a vicious circle from which there seems to be no escape. Boreout can make you seriously ill. The symptoms are similar to those of burnout.
So don't let it get that far! Our 5 steps will help you prevent boreout. Respectively to get out of the vicious circle.
1. Analyze your situation
To do this, ask yourself these questions:
Document what you have found out. Discuss your analysis with someone you trust. They can give you valuable feedback.
2. Based on your documented analysis, prepare a conversation with your supervisor(s). This takes some courage but is unavoidable if you really want to escape a boreout.
Don't be afraid of the interview – no boss wants bored workers on the team.
3. Think about concrete suggestions for improving your work situation. With these you go into the conversation.
Think about the following:
4. Discuss with your supervisor(s) any possibilities that arise from your suggestions.
Record the outcome of the interview in writing and send it to your supervisor.
5. Be clear about whether the proposed measures solve your problem with boredom. If they do, make sure they are implemented as soon as possible.
If the measures are not enough for you, dare to reorient yourself. You have to look for a job where you can better use your skills and where you can realize your professional potential.
At this point – or even earlier – it may be worth your while to seek career or vocational counseling. So that you don't end up at the same point again.
Your work is not your whole life and you often cannot improve your professional situation overnight. That's why we give you more tips against boredom: