Climate protection: «We have to get going today»

Burning issues need innovative solutions. Some of these were discussed at the «Dialogue» dialogue organised by swisscleantech.
Over 400 representatives came together at Dialogue, Swisscleantech's industry event, to discuss climate targets and energy supply. Burning questions include:
  1. What measures can we take to achieve the net-zero target in time?
  2. How are companies already involved and how can they become even more involved?
  3. What political framework conditions are needed for this?
It quickly becomes clear that the time to act is now. Guest speaker Maren Urner agrees. As a professor at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Economics, neuroscientist and author, she focusses on how we humans move from knowledge to action. She advises a «radical rethink» and says that the topic of climate protection needs more emotion. Only then will it receive the necessary attention.

New partnerships for climate protection

The industry representatives are convinced that cooperation is key. Unconventional and new partnerships are needed. Co-Managing Director Christian Zeyer immediately makes recommendations for action to politicians and businesses. Among other things, he calls for circular business models and a balance between the protection and use of biodiversity.

AI as a solution?

Artificial intelligence is of course also an issue. One thing is clear: AI offers great potential to accelerate climate protection, for example with more accurate climate models or simpler calculation of a product's carbon footprint. At the same time, the use of AI increases electricity consumption.
Franziska Barmettler, board member of swisscleantech and Head of Sustainability at Ikea Switzerland, chaired the discussion panel and noted that there was a good «gut feeling» among the participants - the community believes in the opportunities offered by the new technologies. «Nevertheless, there are still many questions about how AI can be applied in relation to climate change,» says Franziska Barmettler. «Concrete examples from companies show that we are still at the beginning. It is important to tackle the topic now».

Inspiration and networks

For Stefan Studer, Managing Director of Angestellte Schweiz, taking part in the Swisscleantech dialogue is a way of actively tackling the issue of climate protection. «Participation is important for our organisation. We can establish networks, exchange ideas and actively influence sustainability policy,» he says. «We strengthen our competitiveness as an organisation and at the same time make an important contribution to sustainable development.»
Exciting presentations by business experts, a video message from environmental pioneer Bertrand Piccard and a speech by Federal Councillor Albert Rösti rounded off the event in Zurich. 


Manuela Donati

Manuela Donati