‘Three pillars, as early as possible’

My name is Robin. I chose this gender-neutral call name myself. I was born as Robert. However, I never really felt male, but as a female personality. That is why my appearance is female.
I applied for a job in a medium-sized industrial company and recently started the new job. My gender identity was not an issue in the application process. However, now my direct boss is expressing difficulty with my transgender appearance. He has asked me to hide my gender identity as much as possible. He even threatens me that otherwise I might not pass the probationary period.
I want to stand by myself as a transgender person and realize myself professionally – not have to deal with such questions. Can I really be asked to deny myself?
Robin M.
Robin's employer acted correctly until Robin was hired by not bringing up their gender identity in the job interviews. According to the Equality Act, the Code of Obligations and the Data Protection Act, questions about sexual orientation, transidentity or intersexuality are not allowed. Applicants are also not obliged to provide information on this.
Now, however, there is a demand and a threat that cannot be reconciled with the labor law legislation. No one may be required to keep their sexual orientation, trans identity or intersex identity a secret. Conversely, no one may be forced to disclose them either. (An exception may be made for institutions under private law with an idealistic or spiritual purpose).
Employment may not be denied on the basis of sexual orientation, trans identity or intersex. The boss’s threatening Robin because of their lived transgender identity is discrimination and violates the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the Code of Obligations. If she were to suffer financial loss because of it, she could seek financial compensation.
Robin in her identity is well protected as a transperson by other rights:
So Robin does not need to hide her identity – at least legally nothing stands in the way of her development in the workplace.