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You've probably been there: You come home in the evening and still think about work. You can't really switch off, you worry. You even take work to bed with you and can't sleep.
That's how it is for many. We tell you what you can do for a good, restful sleep.
The worst treatment for sleep problems is to turn to chemicals, to drugs like benzodiazepines. They only combat the symptoms and can negatively affect the quality of sleep. They are also very quickly addictive.
That is why they are suitable at most for short-term, medically supervised use - to restore sleep rhythm. Better are herbal preparations that have no or hardly any side effects. With them, you may need a little more patience.
A very proven means for good sleep is, in the view of many physicians, easy and free for many: Sex. During the act we are very driven, but afterwards we are extremely relaxed.
From the doctors' point of view, cognitive behavioral therapy promises the most success. In other words, talking to the psychiatrist. The goal is to change our behavior so that we find a healthy sleep rhythm.
There are countless gadgets on the market that are supposed to have a positive influence on sleep. For example, apps that play soothing music or eliminate disturbing ambient noise by means of "white noise". There are also sleep trackers and special mattresses, pillows and pajamas.
The benefits are often doubtful. Experts even warn against monitoring and doggedly trying to optimize our sleep. This could deprive us of sleep even more.
Influence your sleep positively yourself:
If you regularly sleep poorly for a long period of time and do not feel refreshed in the morning, it is important to consult your doctor! He or she can help you and refer you to a sleep laboratory if necessary.
Sweet dreams!